So, I started this blog post (mentally) because I had a really bad lecture. Some days I am 'on' and everything flows. It is organic and natural, the students enjoy it, the learning is easy. It is a perfect teaching day. Most days it is good (not perfect, but good). Some days I suck. This blog was inspired because one Monday, I sucked. The lecture was forced and awkward. The students looked confused, I felt confused. I should say that Sub-Discipline is my field (what my PHD is in) and that day we were lecturing on my specific area of speciality within sub-discipline. I got a bit freaked out. How could I suck at my speciality within my discipline? Here at TBU, I only get to teach my sub-discipline about once a year. The following class (Wed) went significantly better. I know I need to read more, prepare more, etc. Not massive levels, but I shouldn't 'wing it' (just print out lecture notes the moments before class. If not for the students (which is a first reason), for me because I enjoy the lecture more when I am a bit better briefed before I go in.
Two other issues related to this class:
The student with the second messiest handwriting (they do writing in class, so I can evaluate this fairly well) told me he couldn't read my handwriting. Granted my comments were a bit sloppy, but I had to write the same thing on everyone's page. I was going to explain the abbreviations when the whole class arrived.
Finally, students in the class SUCKED on final exam. Really. It is like they tried to get bad grades. I have used almost all of these items before, they actually discriminated well, so I know they are good items. These students are really ticking me off. I am not going to dumb down this course because these students aren't willing to work. I have this course later today, we are going to talk about their performance and how to study for exams. A come-to-Jesus-class of sorts.