Thursday, October 4, 2007

Delurking, Tracking and Being so busy I could cry

I am too busy to blog, too busy to eat, too busy to feel not like I am going insane, too busy to catch up on all I have to do, but I came across this:

The Great Mofo Delurk 2007

on several blogs I read. The idea (If I understand it correctly, that people are to stop hiding and make comments). Well, I have recently commented on two blogs (one actually before delurking day, by coincidence). So now I ask those who lurk around on my blog to say hello.

Over the past two months or so since I started blogging and reading blogs regularly, I felt way less alone--it has provided comfort that I never expected and greatly appreciate.

So, let me know if you have something to say to me....or just say hi.

P.S. Anyone who can tell me a simple way for me to track who comes to my blog (Remember, I am new to blogging--it was a big deal for me to learn how to do this) will be my new blog-hero.

I am...

My Unkymood Punkymood (Unkymoods)