Thursday, January 31, 2008
So behind in blogging
"My life happens to, on occasion, suck beyond the telling of it. Sometimes more than I can handle. "
I am trying to get some work done today, but I feel like I have to 'blog this off my chest'
The soundtrack of my life would have the following songs on it (but not in this particular order):
1. Romeo and Juliet (not sure which version: Dire Straits (the classic), The Killers (the cover), or Matt Nathanson's live cover I first heard on
2. Same ol River-Jeff Black
3. Halleleuha-Jeff Buckley
4. Wild Horses (Again, not sure which version--I think one sung by a woman, not the Stones version)
5. Something to lose, Corey Smith
6. Off the tracks. Charlotte Kendrick
7. You don't make it easy, babe, Josh Ritter
8. Easy Silence, Dixie Chicks
More to come
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Inspiration from William James
"Our teachers are overworked already. Every one who adds a jot or little of unnecessary weight to their burden is a foe of education."
Monday, January 21, 2008
Now, I am just being lazy
Definitely, Maybe
So, anyone familiar with my blog (which is unlikely because I have probably less than a handful of readers and tend to ramble rather than say anything particularly insightful).
But, my blog is actually called: Okay, Awesome and it is taken from one of my favorite shows.
So, when I say there was a movie coming out called, Definitely, Maybe I felt that this movie was a kindred spirit of sorts. Seeing the movie starred Ryan Reynolds only solidified my interest in the movie.
Now, I have recently sworn off romantic comedies. I didn't go see PS I love you and I am in no rush to see 27 Dresses. I just can't see happy couples and predictable endings and everyone ending up with someone...the stark contrast to my single-and-not-lovin-it existence is just too much to stomach. Literally. I think going to the movies such as this would make me vomit.
Now the movie is making it hard for me to resist. Ryan Reynolds--delicious. Abagail Breslin--She's in everything. Plus, Elizabeth Banks (from Scrubs) and Kevin Kline. Damn, I may have to watch this movie after all! It opens Valentines Day (VOMIT!)
Now here's the summary: A political consultant tries to explain his impending divorce and past relationships to his 11-year-old daughter. Courtesy of (best website ever).
What do you when?
Friday, January 18, 2008
Album Cover Meme

The first article title on the page is the name of your band.
The last four words of the very last quote is the title of your album.
The third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.
4. Use your graphics program of choice to throw them together, and post the result in your own journal.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Foward and Fearless
Foward and Fearless
In a way, this theme encompasses many of the ideas that I had on the previous list. First, my avoidance of task completion is becuase I am afraid. When I go back and look at my possible themes 'afraid' or 'fear' are mentioned twice.
Professionally, I am afraid to send out manuscripts--afraid they will be rejected, afraid that I am not cut out for this job. I am afraid that I will not get a job offer this year and that I will be stuck for another year in a job that I hate in place I feel alone.
Personally, I am afraid that no one will want to date me if I venture out to the oneline dating world.
So, I am making a change. I will move foward with my life as best I can. I will try new things (online dating--I will post my ad within the next month is over--which is right around Valentines Day; Join local crafty club that I have been avoiding doing; Try out Young Professional Group in Arty KickAss Nearby City (AKNC)). I will submit a manuscript (if not more than one) this semester.
Hopefully, moving foward, fearlessly will be just what I need this year.
Pissed and scooped!
Upside: The area of research is a tiny sub area (probably less than 10 pubs--I know because I have a file of them for when I turn back to this idea) in a sub area of my discipline. So, I shouldn't feel that bad about it. But I feel like my rare good ideas are now one less.
Downside: His advisor is a friend of mine and I am not sure how not to ask how this idea came about.
And, I cannot even delve into research today because I have 2 appointments across town.
Damn, Damn, Damn.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Countdown is on....
I have one day totally free (save stray faculty meetings)--and miracle that it is the day allows me a three day weekend as needed.
I have two days where I am in class what appears like indefinatley.
I have two days where I only have 2 hours of commitments.
I am going to try to get to Gym every day.
Feeling stressed about the schedule already.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Rateyourstudents, you are so my hero!
Student reaction: Gasp, the horror!
My mockery to student reaction: How can students learn without an active powerpoint slide show behind them? How can they only write down less than 15 words every 5 minutes without something telling them what 15 words? How can I expect them to listen and actually think about what I am saying? Find the main idea and write it down in their own words?
I hate myself just thinking about this idea? Going back and forth on what to do? Maybe I'll go rogue and be powerpoint-less for a few weeks, maybe more. Who knows?
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
How long does it take to fix a computer?
Oddities I noticed while driving
2. Passed a state whose statewide campaign is BREAST_FEED_'STATE_NAME'.COM. Of course, what they mean is Breast Feed, State_Name, but it makes one think of that is a request for someone to breast feed the entire state. Websites just don't have punctuation--and that makes for some weird billboards.