I think I have a new enemy. I graduate student at my former alma mater is presenting research that I think he stole from me. To be fair, I haven't done the research--but I did have the idea and I am reasonably sure that we discussed it. Basically, there is a paper that states XYZ. I have felt for years (since first reading the paper) not XYZ actually ABC (and I have a really clever explanation why). I have emails from years ago when I discussed this with another student. I know this idea is mine and if some graduate student or faculty had independently thought this up--that's fair. But I am pretty sure he has heard my explanation of the XYZ article and went out and tested the ABC explanation. What a sneaky bastard. I am so disappointed (mostly because its a clever test of my ABC explanation), but more because I could have presented that research. Damn I need to write my butt of and get published before I get scooped again.
Upside: The area of research is a tiny sub area (probably less than 10 pubs--I know because I have a file of them for when I turn back to this idea) in a sub area of my discipline. So, I shouldn't feel that bad about it. But I feel like my rare good ideas are now one less.
Downside: His advisor is a friend of mine and I am not sure how not to ask how this idea came about.
And, I cannot even delve into research today because I have 2 appointments across town.
Damn, Damn, Damn.