So, the Rambler is a faculty member in my department. The Rambler is nice enough, although we never see eye to eye on things. My biggest problem is the Rambler doesn't support me on things yet constantly needs his ego stroked. For example, one of my students threatened another student. The Rambler has had this student in classes before and after I explained all of the drama I was having (counseling sessions with threatened student, discussion with the know-it-all (the threatener was also brilliant about everything all the time, just ask him), meetings with administration to discuss the issue...blah, blah, blah. The Rambler says to me, "I don't know why you have had these run ins with the know-it-all, he's always been great in my classes." WTF? Really? What does a student have to do to fall from grace in your eyes, Rambler? The Rambler implied in that conversation that I was responsible for the know-it-all's bad behavior. There were many other insane things the know-it-all did, such as walk out huffing and puffing during lectures, asking inappropriate (on many levels) questions, etc.
Anyhow, since sometime last semester the Rambler and I have had some disagreements. The Rambler suggested that I don't ask students to be quiet when they are talking during my lecture. Instead, he says, "When they finish what they have to say, they'll stop talking to their neighbors. I couldn't believe he would suggest that I let my students dictate when class begins or ends. So we don't see eye to eye on things. Fine. I don't use him for a model to aspire to, I don't consider him a friend, so no big deal.
A few days ago, the Rambler penned the direction of the department mission statement and was the party responsible for the latest rant . But now he has reached a new low. We (the entire department, plus members of administration) were discussing an issue. The Rambler and I disagreed. He then proceeded to yell at me, really yell, about how I knew nothing about what I was talking about and how I dare I say the things I was saying (my opinions). The specific details are unimportant. His freak out ended with the meeting being adjourned. While the others tried to say the meeting was over, he continued to yell at me over their statements. It was so Melrose Place, I half expected him to throw me into a swimming pool. I joke about it now, but he made me cry, embarrassed me in front of my colleagues and bosses. I meet with the Chair of my department today to discuss this and the Rambler wants to meet with me as well.
Like I needed another reason to join the job search?