1. Find latest copy of Masters/Research draft--reread
3. 13 items left to be written for exam (write at least 7)
4. Plan out timing for next few lectures of: Introduction to Basic Understanding class
6. Blog about complex feelings about Introduction to Advanced Sub-Discipline class
Today, is supposed to be a writing day, but I am behind in my courses. I know I only have the energy for about 3-4 more hours of work today.
Current update: Attack of the Publisher Reps--Got ambushed by book rep. He was very nice, not particularly knowledgeable (he just took over for a merger of two major publishing houses, so he wasn't as down as I was), going to send me lots of books (yea!). As he left, he gave me gift certificate to our local coffee house, what a peach! I know that it is to make me like him and order his books, but I also like being paid (in coffee) for my time. Of course, now I it is nearly 5pm and I am way behind in this growing list of things to be done.
Next update: Almost an hour later, going home. An 8 hour on campus day is enough. going to take a bit of a break at home with some TV and dinner. Then back to work tonight. Must cross a few things off the list. Also need to read for tomorrow mornings class. Damn.
Also, still pissed at student who came by