1. Find latest copy of Masters/Research draft--reread [pushed off until tomorrow--a more research/writing day]
3. 13 items left to be written for exam (write at least 7)[--If I can get all 13 done by tomrrow, I am going to treat myself to a visit to Arty KickAss Nearby City (AKNC) for sushi and anonmity]
4. Plan out timing for next few lectures of: Introduction to Basic Understanding class [Eh, I can wing it...I have taught this class more times than I can count. They have an exam next Thursday (a week from tomrrow) so I will worry about the timing of the lectures for next week. I am not too behind? I hope?
5. Work on exam for Introduction to Advanced Sub-Discipline class [Worked on it, still needs work. Must be done by Thurs at 3]
6. Blog about complex feelings about Introduction to Advanced Sub-Discipline class [This blog is coming, but not here yet]
I kinda hate M/W days. I teach at least 5 hours each day (some days 7 based on a weird scheduling issue]. Today it's 7. Which means when you add in one hour of office hours, I have an 8 hour day of nothing but teaching. Of course, I should probably be trying to do some work, not blogging.
Okay, so in the hour before my next class, I am going to try to tackle:
Making a few items for #2.
Print materials for lecture.
Update: Woo-hoo, 4 more items done for exam I am writing (this is a paid assignment and really something that I need to get out for money reasons). Only 9 items left to be written. I am really going to try to write the rest today/tonight so that I am not working on this Thursday/Friday