*My mind is a bit too scattered to write concisely, so RBOC it is...
*I am obsessed with The Killers song Mr. Brightside lately. I have been listening to lots of their songs off of Hot Fuss and enjoying them a lot. I wouldn't have thought that their music would suit my style, but I am really liking them.
*I recently re-read some of my blog posts. Basically, I found I couldn't quite recall something, but I knew I had blogged about it. The post was embroiled in lots of drama and, as such, was linked to many other posts I had made. I felt powerful after reading my thoughts. I felt like I had reminded myself of something and it fired me up. I had lost my fire about the issue, and I need it. I need the fire to make the changes in me and in my situation. My blog became this friend/lover that I share my life with--the kind that has your back and reminds you why you felt a certain way. It made me want to blog more. So, I am going to try to write a bit each day. I can't guarantee that will lead to a post every day--it may take me a few days to finish the thoughts I have, but I hope it will lead to more blogging and more tracking of my life. If I have goals I am working toward (and I do), hopefully this will help me assess my progress toward them.
*I am currently in an airport--stranded overnight. I am going to blog the adventure later. As for now, I will say that my flight should be taking off in 5 hours and I have been here for 4 hours so I am minutes away from the halfway point. Kudos to me.