So, I spent the afternoon lying in bed. Depressed about the post doc not calling. I know that 4 days is not enough time since I put in my application to begin to get anxious. I just couldn't help myself. I needed a pity party for a few hours. In that pity party, I managed to watch 2 episodes of 'My so-called life' which is where I drew the inspiration of the title of this blog.
The irony, in my case, comes from the fact that Minnie Mouse (pre-tenure colleague in my department) announced today that she is going on an interview next week. The job is near her hometown and she has a variety of family issues that make moving closer to home an ideal situation. Our department would be screwed if two of us left at once. I, of course, am not making my decisions based on anything other than what is best for me.
It may be good, in part, because if she doesn't get or take the job, than the department will be less shocked (and less unprepared) if I leave. I also feel less traitorous for seeing what other jobs are out there. If she (who is happy here, likes the job, likes the students, has a family, is all settled, etc) gets a job this year somewhere else, and I do not--the irony will make me puke.