Kicking Wing: They won't just hand the records over to us. We're just an Indian and some guy.
Joe Dirt: Nuh uh man. You can't have 'no' in your heart. No is not an option, brother. You're not just an Indian, you're 'Kickin' Wing', alright, and one day you are going to be 'Kickin' Wing, Animal Doctor.' Then you should change your name to 'Kickin' Ass.' I would.
I love this movie. I know its stupid. I just think in all its stupidity, it's mildly inspring.
No is not an option.
You can't have no in your heart.
Also, I am so tired that I think I have a fatigue disorder. I can barely accomplish my nighttime tasks (take out trash, dishes, etc.). Almost too tired to knit ( but i am trying).